Monday 18 March 2013

LSWR Box Van - Part 2

Scale drawing and information about this waggon appears in Railway Modeller Nov. 1970.

Making a box van body could be quite simple - it's a box. I needed a bigger challenge so I designed the side with an operating sliding door. (What! - in 2mm scale - you must be mad.) Looking closely at photographs of the real thing was necessary to understand how the door operates.

The scale drawing from the mag. was scanned and this  used as the base onto which the decorative layers were created using photo editing software.

The van side is made from a rectangle of planks (postcard). Onto this goes the cross bracing (copier paper) then the sliding door frame (postcard) and this is stood off on vertical spacers (postcard) leaving a gap between the top and the van side into which the door is slid.

The door component comprises a sandwich of three layers being backing (paper), planks (postcard) and cross bracing (paper) with wire for the long grab rail. The door bottom runner rail is wire fixed to the side and the door middle layer runs along this, which you may deduce from the photos.

Quite fragile and only operated in practice for staging photos of the van in a train on route (door closed) or at the loading dock (door open).

To Part 3.

To Part 1.


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